©Anne-Elizabeth Cecillon 2019

Alone you go fast, together you go farther…

3 min readDec 7, 2021


As a leader, you may tend to take the front position and hope that the rest of your team will support and encourage you while you charge forward. After all, you are the visionary and create goals and milestones that you and your team are then striving to achieve. It might work in the movies but in real life, people are a little more complicated than in the best written scenario from Hollywood. The lone successful wolf is now a defunct legend in the business world. If you want to stay on top of the game, you need to integrate that you are in charge of the mental and physical health of your team. The healthier and happier they are, the more your life will be fulfilled and successful. In order to create the best performing team let’s review the five key elements to human well being :

  1. Professional — liking what you do every day
  2. Social — having positive relationships and Love
  3. Finances — comfort, safety and security
  4. Physical — fitness health and vitality
  5. Community — being valuable to others.

It is a very simple formula and you are probably rolling your eyes at the simplicity of it. Yet, these five key elements are seldom thought about in the corporate world. Like most super achievers you are focused on going faster and further. In your constant race for “better” you sometimes forget the simple task of taking care of your most valuable asset : your team and… Yourself!

So today I invite you to perform a quick analysis of how you spend your time. Do you invest it, your money and your thought process to make sure that your well being is sufficiently managed? Are you feeling energized and ready to conquer the world or are you pushing yourself too hard? How about your team? When was the last time you inquire about their needs? Do you praise them when they deserve it or are you seeing only what is left to do?

The future of your company, your family, your health and peace of mind depends on your performance. Learn to manage it so your well being will be in peak condition and everything else will also. Your team needs you and so does your family and your company. Learn to take care of yourself and invest in you and in your personal development. Identify today, just for fun, three things you could do to relax and take care of yourself. For me it would be to get a massage, take a long walk on the beach and spend some guilt free time with friends either in person or chatting on the phone. What will yours be? Please feel free to comment below and share.

Have a great day!



From flying the A380 around the world to redefining my life as a coach and writer I am constantly striving for growth...