Anne-Elizabeth Cecillon © Seychelles 2022

Are you stuck (part 3)

Anne-Elizabeth Cecillon
4 min readMar 29, 2022


Over my last two articles I described the signs that you might be unsuspectingly stuck in some area of your life. Let’s review the 8 signs that you might be unknowingly stuck in an area of your life :

  1. You surrender. You get beat up and then tap out. You accept the fact that life is the way it is and you just give up. You have accepted the fate of your ordinary life and you do not have the life force to change it anymore.
  2. You are dulled by your routine. Stuck on an endless treadmill. Moving fast but getting nowhere.
  3. You are in a cocoon of comfort. You have decided that the comfort of staying mediocre is better than taking the risk to go for greatness.
  4. You take things for granted and think that the opportunities that are presented to you will be there always, therefore you do not act upon them, lose them and stay stuck.
  5. You make excuses. “I don’t know how”, “how do I begin” “I am not sure about this…”. Your excuses are the muck that keeps you stuck.
  6. You have a fragile ego. You settle for trying to be liked at the sacrifice of going for your greatness.
  7. You are stuck in the past psychologically and emotionally.
  8. You are burned out. Your lack of self care has resulted in you being overwhelmed.



Anne-Elizabeth Cecillon

From flying the A380 around the world to redefining my life as a coach and writer I am constantly striving for growth...